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Date November 2004
Type Interview
Source In Style Magazine
Title "I used to be a switch operator"
Journalist/Photographer HW
Now : electro-pop singer.
Then : switchboard operator.
Duration of employment : ?About a week. I didn?t last very long. All my jobs lasted about a week.?
Salary : ?I have no idea. Not enough, whatever it was!?
Work experience :?It was the switchboard of an office in London?s West End, and I had to field calls and then connect the caller to the right person in the office. It was so boring.?
Skills : ?You had to speak properly and be very nice to people, but as I?m very short-tempered, I could only be nice for a very short amount of time. To relieve the boredom, I used to put on different accents. I used to pretend to be French or Scottish, or really posh.?
Job perks : ?None whatsoever.?
Job hazards : ? We used to get into trouble for putting callers through the wrong people. I was just awful at the job, so was always getting told off. Though I used to get a bit of a kick out of connecting callers to the wrong people on purpose!?
The boss :?Awful. I was told off for not dressing appropriately for work. I didn?t see them much, fortunately.?
Current project : working on the follow-up to the 2003 album, Black Cherry (on Mute).

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